Revenge of Social Media

Revenge of Social Media

Revenue of Social Media. Learn about Lady Grey.

Hello -

Last week a little jewelry company out of Brooklyn got an order from a celebrity. It was the perfect opportunity to impress a high end client who could generate referrals and spread the word about what a great company they are.

They did everything right at first. The inventory was in stock, it shipped quickly and they included a handwritten personal note with the order. It was their perfect moment to shine, until they decided to get personal with it.

The company decided that since this client didn't share the same values as the owners of the business that they would make light of it. The hand written note turned into a PR nightmare once they posted it on


When Lady Grey decided to snub Ivanka Trump they essentially lost sight of the most important rule of customer care. They brought political and personal into the formula and forgot that each customer is a customer no matter who they are.

Lady Grey made the choice to attack a client because of differing values. They were intolerant and used a customer relationship note as an attempt to further their own agenda. They publicized what should have been private information, publicly attacked a client and showed they were not only unprofessional but entirely rude as well.

The success of your business is directly linked to your client relationships not your political and personal agendas. Had they sent a personal handwritten note thanking her as they would have any client, they could have had glowing reviews, referrals and hefty orders.

The decision to treat a customer with disrespect and to use it as an attempt to leverage PR value off of Ivanka has backfired. Their Twitter account is locked, clients they did have no longer trust them with their personal information and their reputation along with their company is destroyed.

Yes, they got exposure but at what price. There was most likely more value over simply supporting those named organizations on their website. The bottom line is to treat everyone exceptionally well and your brand will be perceived in a better light. Especially if your clever PR stunt turns sour.

Kind Regards,
