Growth Through Giving

Growth Through Giving

Growth Through Giving

Hello  - On Thursday night I was sitting at my computer answering client e-mails while randomly scrolling through Facebook. A post popped up on my newsfeed from the local SPCA requesting dog food donations. Having adopted Dagwood (my non Husky) from there and exhibiting at their previous events, I knew this was a strange request because they had a grant. Come to find out, the grant had run out and they are left trying to feed 32 dogs on donations only.   Come Friday morning I started making some calls.  A friend of mine is the regional Purina rep. She and I quickly came up with a plan to meet later that day. She was nice enough to bring coupons, a bag full of goodies and helped find a store with enough product that would sell it to us (many refused because of the upcoming weekend shopping). We were able to deliver nearly 500 lbs worth of dog food to the local shelter. You can see it loaded up in my truck below. Now I didn’t tell you that story as a look at me. We didn’t do it for the recognition or to show off. We did it because as a business it is our obligation to give back to our community. When I talk about community, I don’t necessarily mean nonprofits or your local city, though that is definitely a nice form of giving. I’m talking about any community you're a part of. Your customers, vendors, suppliers, staff, etc. If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t be in business, you couldn’t be. The great thing about giving back is its contagious and it multiplies. Everyone ends up in a better place. The more you give, the more you get back. You take care of your employees, they work harder for you. You love your customers everyday, they buy more. You appreciate your partners, they help you more. You share your wealth of knowledge, more visitors turn into customers. Yet, we all at some point or another forget this basic concept. I know someone will read this and think I’ll give back as soon as the numbers make sense or as soon as someone gives me something. The reality is, they already have. Customers are giving you their time reading your sales pages, their hard earned money, their trust and choosing you over another company. They are giving you the opportunity to live your dream everyday or work towards living your dream everyday. Giving back shouldn’t be a once a year sale or event. It doesn’t have to be huge. It is something we should do daily.  Thank you for making it possible for us to give back to the local SPCA. You choosing us over competitors, investing your hard earned money in projects and spending time with our developers making magic, is just as much responsible for that donation as us taking the time to make it happen. Thank you for being a TaskHusky customer. We could not do it without you. I hope you will find even more ways to give back moving forward.  Kind Regards,Zachary