CheckoutWeekly/TaskHusky Curated Newsletter #2209

Can’t Get Ukraine Off My Mind

- This email is reaching you on March 1st. Anything on your mind today? Anything going on the in the world for us to talk about?  I've got something on my mind. There’s an old saying that goes back to the The Farmer’s Almanac which has been in continuous production for more than 200 years. Anyway … there is a saying from the original versions of this annual book that goes something like this: “If March comes in like a lion then it goes out like a lamb.” Sound familiar? I’ll bet it does. It means that if you get bad weather early in the month then it usually means that the weather at the end of the month will be mild. Today, as we enter March 2022 there are storm clouds across eastern Europe that are casting long shadows everywhere. The lion is roaring right now.  This is not about politics, this is not about anything other than common human decency and leaving folks be in their home country. I’ve been thinking hard all day … what should I do, how can I help? How can WE help? There are a few places that we know ARE helping. So, let’s mention a few and then you decide for yourself what you want to do.Peace,Zach

Feed People Directly

José Andrés is a famous chef based in Washington DC. He is famous for building mobile kitchens to make good, healthy, and great tasting food in disaster areas for victims and first responders all over the world. He started doing this out of his own pocket. But you know where he is right now? Just across the Ukrainian border feeding refugees and Ukrainian soldiers. 


Support Free Press

I’ve been doom-scrolling the news and Twitter feeds for days. You know who is doing real work in journalism right now? Not the big media megalodons. The best coverage on the ground is coming from a small news outlet called the Kyiv Independent. 


Call a Doctor

So … food and free press are important. So is treating the sick and injured. Doctors Without Borders has a field team in the Ukraine. They have for a long time, but I imagine that they are putting in some extra hours now. Want to know what they are doing in the Ukraine and how you can help? 


Thanks for reading. Talk to you next week.